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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Boutique Wine and Food Festival - 5/2

Enjoy wine tastings from seven Texas wineries and local food artisans at Texas Vineyards & Beyond, 329 1/2 E. Main Street, Saturday May 2 from 2-6 pm. Meet the winemakers and obtain autographed wine bottles! Cost is $10 per person at the door, which includes logo wine glass, logo hors d'oeuvres plate, wine, cheese and food tastings. Live music by Kristofer Newton. Don't miss this opportunity to experience some unique and tasty Texas wine, food and live music. Participating wineries are Alamosa Wine Cellars, Chisholm Trail Winery, Los Pinos Ranch Vineyards, Pedernales Cellars, Santa Maria Cellars, Singing Water Vineyards, Texas Hills Vineyard. Participating food artisans are Cabernet Grill, Fromage du Monde and Serendipity of the Valley. Please call 830/990-9199 for more information.

"First Look Preview" Art Show and Sale - 5/1

Enjoy the new works of three acclaimed Texas artists, Kay Walton, C.J. Latta and Bob Borman at Fredericksburg Art Gallery, 314 E. Main Street. This event is free and the public is welcome. Please call 830/990-2707 for more information.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Love, Sex and the IRS at Fredericksburg Theater Company - 4/17-5/3

The Fredericksburg Theater Company will present the hilarious and very popular production, "Love, Sex and the IRS", beginning Friday, April 17 at the Steve W. Shepherd Theater at 1668 Hwy 87 S in Fredericksburg. Performances run each Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and on Sundays at 2:00 p.m. through May 3. For tickets, call 1- 888-669-7114.


BBQ and Fiesta at the LBJ Ranch on the Pedernales River - 5/2

LBJ National Historical Park recreates the 1964 event where President Johnson and Mexican President-Elect Gustavo Diaz celebrated the shared border and history of the U.S. and Mexico. On the banks of the Pedernales River, enjoy entertainment from a dance troup from Mexico, a seated catered meal and live music from the Bret Graham Band. This is a fundraising event which benefits the park. Ticket price per plate are $500 stage-front table (8), $50 regular, $40 Friends of LBJ NHP members and NPS employees and $25 for children 12 and young. Deadline for registration is April 30. Please call 830/868-7128 for more information .


Women of Wine & Wisdom, A Spring Lecture Series - 4/30

Think like a man, work like a dog and act like a lady. What does it all mean? Come and see, while enjoy a glass of wine at Water 2 Wine, 228 W. Main Street, Thursday, April 30 5:30-6:30 pm. This lecture series will be conducted by Sunny McKellar, MS, ICF-Life and Executive Coach. Cost is $20 per person, which includes one bottle of wine per table. Space is limited. Please call 830/997-4373 for reservations.


Friday, April 24, 2009

Community Art Show - 4/25-26

You don't have to be a professional artist, enter your work in this community-wide art event themed "Displaying God's Glory with Art from the Heart" at Fredericksburg Victory Fellowship, 414 E. College Street. Artists of all ages and levels of talent are encouraged to display their work. Please call 830/997-9717 for more information.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

PCAA Summer Concert Series - 4/26

The Pedernales Creative Arts Alliance (PCAA) will hold a free concert featuring the from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the Marktplatz on the corner of N. Adams and W. Main in Fredericksburg. Bring your chairs and drinks and enjoy some classic dixieland music! For information, call 830-997-9307.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Origami and Haiku Classes - April 22

Origami and haiku classes will be offered by Jeanne Rothberg of Fredericksburg at the Health, Hope and Healing Cancer Center, 808 Reuben Street, Wednesday April 22, from noon to 1 pm. She will apply her passion for origami and haiku art forms to help cancer patients and other adults focus on the essence of things—breaking it down to the smallest unit that satisfies your understanding of it. Origami is the Japanese fine art of folding sheets of paper into shapes. Haiku are 17-syllable poems, an art form that originated in Japan. This class is free. Please call 830/990-6648

Monday, April 20, 2009

Rockets '09 - 4/24-26

The public will have a rare opportunity to witness 46 rockets roar off four launch pads, soar over one mile high, and break the sound barrier at Rockets '09, April 24 - 26, 2009 at the Paul Meek Ranch south of Fredericksburg, Texas. The free event is the culminating activity of the acclaimed SystemsGo Aeroscience program, developed over 10 years by Brett Williams, technology teacher at Fredericksburg High School.

Students from 26 Texas high schools will gather to launch rockets they designed and built. First-year classes will send a one-pound payload over one mile high. Ten second-generation rockets will break the sound barrier and reach heights over 12,000 feet. Organizers anticipate rockets leaving the pads approximately every half hour between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday.

The event has expanded in its third year to include more participants, more launches, and more activities. On Friday morning, April 24, 250 students from area middle schools will tour the prep and testing areas, then build and launch their own model rockets at the new SystemsGo 101. Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday, all visitors to the site will be able to purchase, build, and launch their own model rockets.

Representatives from the aerospace industry and higher education will be on site sharing information. Organizations include Texas A&M Engineering Department, Texas Tech Hill Country, Kettering University, and NASA. On Sunday, students from the University of Texas Longhorn Rocket Association will test rockets they built.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) will set up a remote weather monitoring station to provide up-to-the-minute forecasts. The Lower Colorado River Authority will provide two communications trailers and dispatch units to assist staff with staying in contact with air traffic controllers and law enforcement agencies to alert local aircraft as well as auto traffic on Highway 16. More than 100 volunteers from the Hill Country and Texas will be on hand to support this initiative.

The Paul Meek ranch is located six miles south of Fredericksburg off Hwy 16, at Alfred Petsch Road. Turn on Petsch Road and travel 1.1 mile to the launch site. Signs will be posted on Hwy 16. There will be free parking, security, food and T-shirt concessions, and several informational and activity booths. Tours of the testing and prep areas will be open to the public on Saturday and Sunday. A new area has been designated this year for the public to pitch tents for shade. A public address system will be set up to keep visitors informed of launch progress throughout the weekend.

Organizers remind the public that the area should be considered an experimental testing range. Mobility will be limited, access will be controlled, and visitors need to be aware that this is the first flight of all rockets.

Ignite is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization formed to help spread the program to other high schools in Texas. Anyone wanting to start a program, to provide support, or to learn more about Ignite can visit or call 830-997-3567.

Earth Day Celebration and Electronic Waste Recycling - 4/25

Back by popular demand, Fredericksburg CARES will once again be doing a public service for those individuals and businesses in the community who have old equipment taking up closet and desk space. All office equipment, monitors, keyboards, PCs, shredders, printers, fax machines etc. are eligible for drop off to be professionally recycled. FBG CARES is combining its annual, fun for everyone EARTH DAY Celebration with this event. Live music by The Jems from 10:00 - 11:00am and the Derek Spence Band from 11:00am - 1:00pm. "Green" businesses and organizations will have their products to show. The SPCA will have dogs for adoption, as well as PAWS to talk about their spay/neuter program. This is a free community service, $5 donations per drop off is appreciated, but not required. Please call Bjorn Kirchdorfer at 830/990-8303 for more information

Ambleside School Spring Concert

Ambleside School, 106 South Edison, students, kindergarten through upper grades, provide a cumulation of songs, handbells, readings, ensembles and choirs ,on Tuesday April 21 at 7 pm. Refreshments will be provided as well as childcare. This concert is free and the public is welcome. Please call 830/990-9059 or email for more information


Thursday, April 16, 2009

1960's History Event at the LBJ National Historic Park - 4/18

This history lesson for the public at LBJ National Historic Park, East of Fredericksburg on Highway 290 in Stonewall, will concentrate on Lyndon B. Johnson's administration. Speakers and authors will talk about what they witnessed during this era. This event is free and runs from 9 am to 4 pm. Please call 830/868-7128 for more information.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Peddler Show - 4/17-18

The Peddler Show offers a one-of-a-kind shopping experience. Whether you are looking for personalized designs, creative gifts or unique jewelry, the Peddler Show has it all. The perfect street of shops just for you. Hours are Friday 1:00 - 9:00pm, Saturday 9:00am - 6:00pm and Sunday 11:00am - 4:00pm. Admission is $5 per person, $3 for seniors and children 12 and under free. The Peddler Show is at Gillespie County Fairgrounds on Highway 16 South. lease call 800/775-2774 for more information.


Luncheon with Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison - 4/17

Both the Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce and the Admiral Nimitz Foundation will host a luncheon featuring Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison on Friday, April 17 from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm at the Nimitz Ballroom at 340 E. Main St., in Fredericksburg. Cost to attend is $25 per person in advance and $30 at the door and catering will be provided by Delicious Details. Luncheon topics include the economy, transportation and border protection. For information and ticket sales, please contact the Chamber office at 830-997-6523.

Family Fun at Pioneer Museum - 4/15

Have a fun family day at the Pioneer Museum, 309 W. Main Street, on Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm. Demonstrations and hands-on activities for children and adults illustrating daily life and work in early Fredericksburg. Admission for the museum is $4 per person ages 12 and older, with children 11 and younger free. Please call 830/997-2835 for more information.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Making a Difference: Native Bees and Bee Gardens - 4/14

Learn more about bees this Tuesday, April 14 (tomorrow) when the Friends of the Fredericksburg Nature Center host a program, Making a Difference: Native Bees and Bee Gardens, featuring Austin master naturalist Kim Bacon. This free program will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the Gillespie County Agricultural Extension Building at 95 Frederick Road in Fredericksburg. For information, call 830-990-9823.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Candidates Forum - 4/13

Everyone is urged to attend the first Candidates' Forum Tuesday, April 14 from 6:30 - 8:30pm at the Middle School Band Hall. Candidates for the City Council and the School Board elections will be participating.

Golden Hub Enchilada Dinner - 4/17

It's Fiesta time at the Golden Hub Community Center, 1009 North Lincoln St. Beef enchiladas, barracho beans, Mexican rice, guacamole, chips and salsa will be served at the Hub’s Spring Enchilada Dinner with Tres Leches cake for dessert. A social mixer starts at 5:30pm with wine and punch available to guests. Dinner will be served from 6:00 – 7:30. Cost is $7 per person in advance from the Golden Hub or $8 at the door. To- go orders are available starting at 5:30pm. Dinner ticket holders will also be eligible to enter a prize drawing at the door. All monies raised from the dinner will benefit the Golden Hub’s programs and activities. The Golden Hub is a non-profit organization that manages the local Meals on Wheels program. Please call 830/997-7131 for more information.


Friday, April 10, 2009


The Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce has unveiled plans for the new St. Nikolaus Markt, scheduled for Friday, December 4 - Sunday, December 6 at Marktplatz. This family-friendly festival will replace the Weihnachten in Fredericksburg festival. "The new St. Nikolaus Markt will feature an expanded shopping area, focusing on juried vendors offering high quality, unique merchandise for home and gift giving," said Frances Rushing, president of the Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce. "The spelling of the name 'St. Nikolaus' was chosen to reflect the German heritage of our community," noted Rushing. "St. Nikolaus is the patron saint of children, thus reflecting the family-friendly nature of this festival. St Nikolaus Day in Germany is December 6 when St. Nikolaus visits children and brings candy and small presents. St Nikolaus knows who has been naughty and nice!" The community Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at Marktplatz will be returning to Fredericksburg's schedule of holiday events as part of the St. Nikolaus Markt. The tree lighting is scheduled for Friday evening, December 4, after the Lighted Community Christmas Parade rolls down Main Street.


Art Exhibit at Photography 414 - 4/11

Enjoy "Waters like deserts...images from the edge", an artist exhibit by James Fox at Photography 414 Gallery, 414 E. Main Street. Please call 830/990-1330 for more information.


Thursday, April 09, 2009

Easter Sunday at Riven Rock Ranch - 4/12

Enjoy Easter Sunday with your friends and family at an Easter buffet at Riven Rock Ranch, 390 Hermann Sons Road in Comfort. Two seatings available at noon and 3:00pm. Cost is $42.95 per person and children 10 and under $29.95, plus tax and gratuity. Please call 830/995-4045 for reservations.


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Antique Tractor & Engine Club Bluebonnet Tractor Ride - 4/11

Enjoy the scenic country of Gillespie County on this 20 mile ride sponsored by the Antique Tractor and Engine Club. Meet at 7:30am for breakfast and the drivers' meeting, with the parade starting at 9:00. Please call 830/997-3012 for more information.


Monday, April 06, 2009

Fashion Show at La Bella Luna at The Trois Estate - June 14

La Bella Luna at The Trois Estate at Enchanted Rock is hosting their fabulous spring fashion show with designs by Pat Dahnke, introducing her new spring line, from 11 am to 4 pm on April 8. Please call 830/685-3415 for more information.


Friday, April 03, 2009

Historic Rural Schools Benefit BBQ - 4/5

Friends of Gillespie County Country Schools is preserving the past to enrich the future. This event raises funds to help preserve the twelve historical former rural school buildings currently being used as public community centers in Gillespie County. Enjoy a chicken BBQ meal with all the trimmings as a drive-thru or dine-in at the American Legion Hall, 724 S. Washington. Cost is $7 per plate donation, while it lasts. Please call 830/685-3385 for more information.


Art in the Alley - 4/3

Enjoy art by local a artist in an eclectic presentation of original oils, acrylics, shadow boxing, spray paint art, decoupage, pottery, handmade purses and jewelry, sculptures and much more; as well as live music and door prize give-a-ways at Dejavu, 329 E. Main Street. Please call 830/377-1519 for more information.


Thursday, April 02, 2009

Historic Rural Schools Open House Tour - 4/4

Tour and enjoy an open house at historic former country schools in Gillespie County, including Luckenbach, Meusebach, Grapetown and Grape Creek. This event raises funds and awareness to help preserve twelve historical former rural school buildings currently being used as public community centers. Donations are welcome. Color-coded maps are available at the Visitor Center at 302 E. Austin Street. Please call 830/685-3321 or 830/997-8655 for more information.


Rockets '09 - 4/24-26

Representatives from the aerospace industry and higher education will join students from 26 Texas high school as they send 46 rockets over a mile high during Rockets '09, April 24 - 26, 2009 at the Paul Meek Ranch south of Fredericksburg.

Rockets '09 is the culminating activity of the SystemsGo Aeroscience program, developed over 10 years by Brett Williams, technology teacher at Fredericksburg High School. First year students will launch rockets that carry a one-pound payload one mile high. Second generation rockets will break the sound barrier and reach heights over 12,000 feet.

The public is invited to attend the three-day event at no charge. The Paul Meek ranch is located six miles south of Fredericksburg on Hwy 16, at Alfred Petsch Road. Turn on Petsch Road and travel 1.1 mile to the launch site. Signs will be posted on Hwy 16. There will be free parking, security, food and T-shirt concessions, and several informational and activity booths. Tours of the testing and prep areas will be open to the public on Saturday and Sunday.

On Friday, April 24, groups of students from area middle schools will tour the prep and testing areas, visit with high school students and teachers, and build and launch their own model rockets. On Saturday and Sunday visiting children will be able to purchase, build, and launch their own model rockets.

On Sunday, Students from the University of Texas Longhorn Rocket Association will test rockets they built. Other universities represented include Texas A&M Engineering Department, Texas Tech Hill Country, and Kettering University. NASA will provide an outreach group representing its International Space Station program.

Ignite is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization formed to help spread the program to other high schools in Texas. Anyone wanting to start a program, to provide support, or to learn more about Ignite can visit or call 830-997-3567.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Early Ford V-8 Club Texas Tour - 4/2-5

Enjoy 4 days of antique Ford cars on display at Fredericksburg Inn & Suites, 201 S. Washington Street; a scenic drive Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. and then lunch at 11:00 a.m. at the Gillespie County Farm Bureau. For information, call 830-997-9965.

