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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Trotter and Volkaert Live at Hondo's - 5/2

Texas food, Texas music, Texas life at Hondo's, 312 West Main. Hear music from The Dust Devils. Please call 830/997-1633 for more information.


Kinky Friedman & Steven Fromholz at Auslander - 5/2

Enjoy live music from former gubernatorial candidate Kinky Friedman and Texas Poet laureate Steven Fromholz at this charity concert, The Legends and Puppies Tour of 2008, at The Auslander Biergarten and Restaurant (323 East Main Street) May 2 at 8 pm. Please call 830/997-7714 for more information.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

5th Annual Harper Bull Ride and Dance - 5/3

The 5th Annual Harper Bull Ride and Dance benefits the Harper Community Park. The evening begins at 4:30PM with a social followed by a benefit BBQ dinner for the Harper VFD at the Fire Station. Then at 7:30 enjoy a bull riding event at the Community Park Arena. From 9:00PM - 1:00AM dance to the music of the Jason Allen Band. Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for children 6 - 12 and children 5 and under free. Please call 830/864-4912 for more information.

Opry Night at Fredericksburg Event Center - Wednesday night

Opry Night at Fredericksburg Event Center featuring various Hill Country Artists begins at 7 pm. Enjoy Opry burgers, a full cash bar and lots of dancing on the Hill Country's largest dance floor. Tickets are $5 per person. Please call 830/990-1010 for more information.


Monday, April 28, 2008

Hill Country Youth Orchestras Presents a Spring Concert - 4/28

From Dvorak to Disney and everything in between, the Hill Country Youth Orchestras presents their Spring Concert. This concert includes 5 orchestras, made up of 5 - 18 year olds from all over the Hill Country. Show your support for our youth by attending this free concert, April 28 at 7pm at the Kathleen C. Cailloux Center for the
Performing Arts at 910 Main Street in Kerrville. Call 830.896.9393, ext. 2 or 830.792.7469 for more information.


2008 Fundraising Dinner for The Good Samaritan Center 4/28

The Good Samaritan Center, "A Healing Place", is having their annual fundraising dinner. Keynote speakers will be Ron Hall, a wealthy art broker and Denver Moore, a former homeless man. They will be sharing their story of how they meet at a homeless mission. They share the Good Samaritan Center's vision of linking people who have means with people who have no means. The result is almost always something beautiful that blesses the giver even more than the receiver. Seating is limited, please call 830/990-8651 for more information and to ask how you can help. The Good Samaritan Center is located at 140 Industrial Loop, Suite 100, Fredericksburg, Texas.


Friday, April 25, 2008

PCAA Concert In The Park, 'The Flashbacks' 40's Big Band Swing - 4/27

Pedernales Creative Arts Alliance Summer Concert Series hosts music in the park. Bring chairs, eats, drinks and enjoy the show to Marktplatz on Sunday April 27 from 6-8 pm, and it is free. Please call 830/997-9307 or 830/992-9929 for more information.


Book Signing at Berkman Books - 4/26

Have author Mae Durden-Nelson and her husband Bill Nelson sign your copy of her newest book 'Four Boys, Two Canoes and the Guadalup River' at Berkman Books, 416 E. Main Street, April 26 from 5:30 - 7 pm. Please call 830/997-1535 for more information.


Island Karaoke Night - 4/26

Pacific Showroom at the Hangar Hotel is hosting Island Karaoke Night Saturday, April 26, from 7pm to midnight. Over 22,000 songs to pick from. There is no cover for this fun evening. Please call 830/997-9990 for more information.


The Hudsons Live at Hondo's Tonight

Texas food, Texas music, Texas life at Hondo's. Tonight hear music from The Hudsons. Please call 830/997-1633 for more information.


Student Rockets to be Launched - 4/25 - 28

Science students from all over Texas will be launching their rockets at Paul Meek Ranch, Highway 16 South off Alfred Petsch Road south of Fredericksburg. Rockets '08 is part of the SystemsGo Aeroscience program. Fredericksburg students will be launching their rockets on Saturday at 8:45AM, 1:45 and 3:15PM. The launch is free and open to the public. There is free parking, security and concessions. Please call 830/997-3567 for more information


Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Lucky Tubb Band Live at Hondo's - 4/26

Texas food, Texas music, Texas life at Hondo's, 312 West Main. Tonight hear music from the Lucky Tubb Band. Please call 830/997-1633 for more information


Ben Beckendorf Band at The Auslander Biergarten and Restaurant

Enjoy live music from local musician Ben Beckendorf at The Auslander Biergarten and Restaurant (323 East Main Street) April 26 at 8 pm. Please call 830/997-7714 for more information.

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Arbor Day Ceremony at the Boys and Girls Club - 4/25

Join the Boys and Girls Club at 208 E. Park Street on Friday April 25 from 5:30 - 6:30 pm as the members celebrate Arbor Day by planting trees. The trees are donated by the Fredericksburg Garden Club and the Native Plant Society. Please call 830/997-9833 for more information. Call the Club and ask how you can help. The Club invites you to take a tour and see the improvements of the building and accomplishments of the members.


Live Music in Luckenbach - 4/26

Enjoy music by Rip Lorick & Band at 8:00PM in the world famous Texas town of Luckenbach. Please call 888/311-8990 or 830/997-3224 for more information.

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Almost Patsy Cline Band at Luckenbach - 4/25

Come on out folks and two step it with the Almost Patsy Cline Band! They are one band you won't forget and will keep you dancing til the cows come home! Admission is free and the show begins at 8 pm in Luckenbach, Texas.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

LBJ Ranch Cycling Weekend - 4/25-26

Come join LBJ National Historical State Park & Ranch, East of Fredericksburg on Highway 290 in Stonewall in the gorgeous Hill Country for a cycling weekend in obervance of National Park Week. Please call 830/868-7128 x231 for more information and visit


"Flavors of Spring" Food and Wine Fest - 4/25

Join August E's and Fischer & Wieser Specialty Foods at das Peach Haus on Highway 87 South as they host "Flavors of Spring" Food and Wine Fest Friday April 25 at 7 pm. Cost is $50 per person, with limited seating. Please call 866/997-8969 for your reservations.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Live Music at the Wildseed Farms - 4/26

Join the Wildseed Farms on Highway 290 East and the Almost Patsy Cline Band for some toe-tappin' music in the middle of the wildflower fields from 2-6 pm. Beer and wine available and a dance floor if you feel like kickin' up your heels. Please call 830/990-1393 for more information.

Grand Opening for Health, Hope & Healing Cancer Resource Center

Celebrate the opening of the Health, Hope & Healing Cancer Resource Center at 808 Reuben Street, Wednesday April 23 from 2-4 pm. Their mission is to provide information, education and guidance to patients, survivors, caregivers, families and the public in general on all subjects pertaining to cancer. Please call 830/997-4353 for more information.


Monday, April 21, 2008

Texas A & M Aggie Muster

The Aggie tradition of Muster will be observed all over the world Monday, and in Fredericksburg at Hermann Sons Hall at 1109 S. Adams Street. Aggies gather to answer "here" for fellow Aggies who have passed away in the past year. Muster will start with a potluck BBQ at 5:30PM followed by the Muster memorial starting at 6:30PM. Cost is $5 per person over 12. Please call 830/990-8677 for more information on this tradition and other Aggie activities.

Bluebonnet Trails Gourdfest Exhibition & Sale

Artisans at Rocky Hill, 6266 Highway 290 East, hosts an exhibition and sale of gourd art created by the finest artisans from across the state of Texas from April 18 to May 19. Demonstrations will take place each Saturday from noon - 3:00PM during the show. Gallery hours are Tuesday - Saturday 10:00AM - 6:00PM and Sunday 12:00 - 6:00PM. This event is free and open to the public. Please call 830/990-8160 for more information.


Friday, April 18, 2008

Wild Flower Days in Johnson City - 4/19

Wildflowers, farmer's market, lavender, arts & crafts, food, live music and much more are scheduled for Johnson City's Wild Flower Days. Visit with Master Gardeners and rainwater experts. Tour historic and interesting homes. Please call 830/868-7684 for more information.


Rocky Mountain Bonanza Society Fly-In - 4/18-20

The Rocky Mountain Bonanza Society will be landing Friday and taking off Saturday at the Gillespie County Airport. 12 - 22 airplanes are expected, weather permitting.

Premier of the Film "The Yamamoto Mission" - 4/18

The National Museum of the Pacific War is the host site for the premier of the film "The Yamamoto Mission", the first chapter of Admiral Yamamoto's story during World War II. This historic presentation is free to the public, with standard admission price for visitors who want to view the Museum's Galleries. Please call 830/997-4379 or 830/456-6997 for more information.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

USO Style Hangar Dance - 4/19

Pacific Showroom at the Hangar Hotel is hosting a USO Style Hangar Dance. Dance to the Lonestar Swing Orchestra Big Band, take dance lessons and dress the part with a 1940's era/military costume contest. Dance lessons will be from 7 - 8PM. Cost is $20 per person. Please call 830/997-9990 for more information.


Captain Legendary Band at The Auslander Biergarten and Restaurant - 4/18

Enjoy live music from The Captain Legendary Band at The Auslander Biergarten and Restaurant (323 East Main Street) April 18 at 8 pm. Please call 830/997-7714 for more information.

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Bluebonnet Trails Gourdfest Opening Reception - 4/18

All are invited to Artisans at Rocky Hill, approximately 5 miles east of Fredericksburg on US Hughway 290, to celebrate the Hill Country's beautiful wildflower season and enjoy a very special exhibit with Texas' finest gourd artists. Participating artists will be in attendance and visiting with gallery guests during the reception. Demonstrations will take place each Saturday from noon - 3 pm during the show. Gallery hours are Tuesday - Saturday 10 am - 6 pm and Sunday 12 - 6 pm. This event is free and open to the public. Please call 830/990-8160 for more information.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fredericksburg Music Club - 4/20

Enjoy a classical guitar concert by David Burgess at Fredericksburg United Methodist Church, 1800 N. Llano, on April 20 at 3 pm. Please call 830/997-5413 for more information.


Wildseed Farms' Wildflower Celebration - 4/5-20

Wildseed Farms, approximately 7 Miles East of Fredericksburg on US Hwy 290, presents over 200 acres of flower fields in bloom Aril 5 through April 20 from 9:30 AM to 6 PM everyday, with live music on the weekends. The farm store is stocked full of home and garden ideas as well as the nursery stocked with live plants. The Meadows are open, including the walking trails, Butterfly Haus, trail gardens and flower fields. Cost is $5 to the Meadows and Butterfly Haus. Please call 830/990-8080 for more information.


Dance in Luckenbach - 4/18

Dance to the music of The Greers in the world famous Luckenbach Dancehall. Please call 888/311-8990 or 830/997-3224 for more information.

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Todd Snider at The Auslander Biergarten and Restaurant

Enjoy live music from Todd Snider at The Auslander Biergarten and Restaurant (323 East Main Street) April 17 at 8 pm. Please call 830/997-7714 for more information.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Preview of the PBS Series "Carrier - The USS Nimitz" - 4/19

The National Museum of the Pacific War is hosting a one-hour advance preview of the 10 hour PBS series "Carrier - The USS Nimitz". This series depicts life on the USS Nimitz and the high-stakes world of a nuclear aircraft carrier. Mr. Art Nicholson from San Antonio, Texas will be the keynote speaker, as well as visiting dignitaries and former shipmates. This historic presentation is free to the public, with standard admission price for visitors who want to view the Museum's Galleries. Please call 830/997-4379 or 830/456-6997 for more information.


LBJ 100 Bicycle Tour - 4/19

Come join a group of bikers in the gorgeous Hill Country for the LBJ 100 Bicycle Tour, commemorating the birth centennial and the "can-do" spirit of President Johnson and in observance of Nation Park Week. The tour will happen, rain or shine, in the LBJ Ranch. The ride will introduce planned changes to the Park, whereby cyclists and other visitors will experience a wide and welcoming exposure to the history and majesty of this national treasure. Tour cost is $25 until April 5, $35 thereafter. All riders get a t-shirt and a commemorative bandanna. Please call 830/868-7128 x231 for more information.

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Bobbie Brown Marsh's Art Studio Opening and Reception - 4/12

You are invited to artist Bobbie Brown Marsh's studio opening and reception 213 W. Peach Street, April 18 from 6 to 8 pm. On display will be examples of her artwork and her new studio shows how an artist can create work space to allow natural light and the outdoor beauty to inspire. Enjoy a wine and cheese reception. Please call 830/990-9305 for more information. Click here for details.


Monday, April 14, 2008

Kick Butt Cab Release Party at Texas Hills Vineyard - 4/19

Come join Texas Hills Vineyard, 878 RR2766 in Johnson City for their Kick Butt Cab/Syrah release party April 19th from 7 to 10 pm. Both of these wines are from Texas Hill Country fruit, Texas Hills Vineyard and Drew Tallent Vineyard. Come and enjoy the music of Drew Kennedy along with appetizers a glass of each wine and a logo glass to take home. Space is limited call for reservations 830-868-2321, $25.00 per person.


Fredericksburg VFD 125th Anniversary Celebration

Come to the Gillespie County Fairgrounds Saturday April 19 and celebrate 125 years of the Fredericksburg Volunteer Fire Department. Enjoy BBQ, a dance, fire education and fun events all day. Help support our VFD as they have done so much for our community. Please call 830/997-8080 for more information.


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Premier of the Film "The Yamamoto Mission" - 4/18

The National Museum of the Pacific War is the host site for the premier of the film "The Yamamoto Mission", the first chapter of Admiral Yamamoto's story during World War II. This historic presentation is free to the public, with standard admission price for visitors who want to view the Museum's Galleries. Please call 830/997-4379 or 830/456-6997 for more information.


Friday, April 11, 2008

Rip Lorick & Kacey Musgraves in Luckenbach - 4/12

Enjoy music by Rip Lorick Band at 1:00PM and then stick around for Kacey Musgraves at 7:00PM in the world famous Texas town of Luckenbach. Please call 888/311-8990 or 830/997-3224 for more information.

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Opera in the Vineyard - 4/12

San Antonio Opera and Torre di Pietra present 'Opera in the Vineyard' featuring San Antonio's Three Tenors performing Italian love songs with Flamenco dancers and guitar on Saturday, April 12 at 5:30 pm. Reservations are required for this dinner, wine and entertainment. Cost is $100 per person, plus tax. Please call 830/644-2829 for reservations and more information.

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Scott Wiggins Band at The Auslander Biergarten and Restaurant - 4/12

Enjoy live music from Scott Wiggins Band at The Auslander Biergarten and Restaurant (323 East Main Street) April 12 at 8 pm. Please call 830/997-7714 for more information.

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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Texas Book Festival at LBJ State Park - 4/11-12

A book festival at LBJ Ranch, East of Fredericksburg on Highway 290 in Stonewall, highlights the education legislation of President Johnson. Please call 830/868-7129 x235 for more information.


Tim Scott at The Auslander Biergarten and Restaurant - 4/11

Enjoy live music from Tim Scott at The Auslander Biergarten and Restaurant (323 East Main Street) April 11 at 8 pm. Please call 830/997-7714 for more information.

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Robyn Ludwick CD Release Party in Luckenbach - 4/11

Join Robyn Ludwick for a CD Release Party in the world famous Texas town of Luckenbach, Friday April 11 at 8 pm. Please call 888/311-8990 or 830/997-3224 for more information.

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A Celebration of the 60's at LBJ National Historical Park & Ranch

On April 11 and 12, celebrate the anniversary of LBJ's Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. Enjoy speakers, lunch, 60's music and cars and more at the LBJ National Historical Park & Ranch, East of Fredericksburg on Highway 290 in Stonewall. Hours are Friday 9:30AM - 2:00PM and Saturday 9:00AM - 4:00PM. Please call 830/868-7128 x231 for more information


Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Brock Zeman at The Auslander Biergarten and Restaurant - 4/10

Enjoy live music from Brock Zeman at The Auslander Biergarten and Restaurant (323 East Main Street) April 10 at 8 pm. Please call 830/997-7714 for more information.

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Texas Hill Country Wine & Food Festival at Fall Creek Vineyards - 4/10

Fall Creek Vineyards cordially invites you to savor a luncheon as part of the 23rd annual Texas Hill Country Wine & Food Festival. Cost is $60 per person. This event has sold out in the past, so for reservations please call 512/249-6300. Fall Creek Vineyards is located on the northwest shores of Lake Buchanan in Tow, Texas.


Tuesday, April 08, 2008

"Bluebonnet Brunch" Cooking Class at Runnymede Country Inn - 4/9

Molly Fowler, gourmet cooking instructor from Houston, makes regular appearances at Runnymede Country Inn. Ms Fowler appears in Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, Houston and Fort Worth where she regularly sells out her fun and lively classes at locations including Central Market, and specialty shops around the state. She makes regular appearances on "Great Day Houston" as The Dining Diva. Menus for Entertaining is Ms. Fowler's new cookbook, released November, 2007 and available for sale at the Inn. Call (830) 990-2449 to make reservations.

On Wednesday morning, April 9, 10:30 AM – 1:00 PM she will show attendees how to entertain with a wonderful “Bluebonnet Brunch!” $35 per person. Delicious dishes include Mixed Salad with Pears and Reisling Vinaigrette; Hawaiian Bread; Runnymede Quiche of Bacon, Swiss and Chives; and Frozen Plum Soufflé.

All classes require pre-paid reservations. Guests of the inn receive a discount. To make reservations call the inn at 830-990-2449 or email e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it Checks for registration can be mailed to the inn at 184 Fullbrook Lane, Fredericksburg 78624. To make reservations for a stay at the inn, please call Gastehaus Schmidt toll free at 866-427-8374.

Sponsor A Wounded Hero at Rockbox On May 4

Would you like to say thank you to a soldier who has put their life on the line to preserve your freedom? On May 4, 2008, you can.

On Sunday, May 4, Rockbox Theater, the Fredericksburg Rotary, the National Museum of the Pacific War, and a number of local restaurants will host 40 wounded service men and women and their families for a day of rest and relaxation...and you are invited to participate.

The military men and women currently reside at the Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio (BAMC), a premier facility for military medical procedures. Wounded soldiers are flown in to BAMC from all over the world in a program called "Warriors in Transition".

Highlighted by a 1:30 Sunday show at Rockbox Theater, you can help honor our wounded heroes by providing them with bus transportation, brunch on Main Street at participating restaurants (including Winslow’s, Wheeler’s, and Buffalo Nickel), and free time for shopping and sightseeing.

Here's how you can help....

Your $100 sponsorship will provide a wounded serviceman or woman and their family:

  • Round trip bus transportation from BAMC to Fredericksburg
  • Lunch at participating restaurants on Main St.
  • Sunday matinee show at Rockbox Theater
  • Reception at The Nimitz following the show

As a thank you to each sponsor, Rockbox Theater will issue a gift certificate for two tickets, best available seating, valid until 8/31/08 (a value of up to $86.00).

Rockbox is accepting 40 sponsors for 40 soldiers and their families; and, the theater will handle the details, with funds turned over to the Rotary Club to pay for the meals and the transportation.

Call now to sponsor a Wounded Heroe...1-866-349-6688.


Monday, April 07, 2008

75 Years of Beer Celebrated at Fredericksburg Brewing Company - 4/7

It has been 75 years since President Franklin Roosevelt modified the Volstead Act (prohibition) which banned alcohol in the United States, which allowed Americans to once again enjoy beer. Tonight, from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m., the Fredericksburg Brewing Company will mark that anniversary with a “75 Years of Beer” celebration at 245 E. Main Street. Theere will be live entertainment by Josh Dodds, complimentary appetizers and door prizes. Brewmaster Rick Green and his team will also be on hand to explain the beer making process and to answer any related questions. For more information, call 830-997-1646.


"Sunset Dinner" at Riven Rock Ranch - 4/8

The first "Sunset Dinner" at the Riven Rock Ranch, celebrating the wines of the Guadalupe Valley Wine Trail. The evening will begin at 6:30 pm with wine tasting and hors d' oeuvres. Cost is $49.95 per person, plus tax and gratuity. For reservations please call 830/995-4045.

Pickin & Grillin' with Jesse Jennings Band Tonight in Luckenbach

Enjoy music by Jesse Jennings in the world famous Texas town of Luckenbach, at 7 pm. Please call 888/311-8990 or 830/997-3224 for more information.

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"Springtime in Italy" Cooking Class at Runnymede Country Inn - 4/8

Molly Fowler, gourmet cooking instructor from Houston, makes regular appearances at Runnymede Country Inn. Ms Fowler appears in Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, Houston and Fort Worth where she regularly sells out her fun and lively classes at locations including Central Market, and specialty shops around the state. She makes regular appearances on "Great Day Houston" as The Dining Diva. Menus for Entertaining is Ms. Fowler's new cookbook, released November, 2007 and available for sale at the Inn. Call (830) 990-2449 to make reservations.

On the evening of Tuesday, April 8, 6:30 – 9:00 PM the dinner menu is themed, “Springtime in Italy” $40 per person. The menu will include Fontina and Asparagus Crostini; Mixed Greens with Apples, Blueberries, Walnuts and Gorgonzola; Trout with Balsamic Vinegar and Onion Sauce; and Strawberry Tarts.

All classes require pre-paid reservations. Guests of the inn receive a discount. To make reservations call the inn at 830-990-2449 or email e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it Checks for registration can be mailed to the inn at 184 Fullbrook Lane, Fredericksburg 78624. To make reservations for a stay at the inn, please call Gastehaus Schmidt toll free at 866-427-8374.

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Friday, April 04, 2008

Live Music in Luckenbach - 4/5

Enjoy music by Candace Kunz Miller at 4:00PM and stick around for Bo Porter at 8:00PM in the world famous Luckenbach Dancehall. Please call 888/311-8990 or 830/997-3224 for more information.

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South First Band at The Auslander Biergarten and Restaurant - 4/5

Enjoy live music from South First Band at The Auslander Biergarten and Restaurant (323 East Main Street) April 5 at 8 pm. Please call 830/997-7714 for more information.

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"Streams of Life" Artist Reception at Whistle Pic - 4/5

Enjoy this artist reception at Whistle Pik Galleries, 425 E. Main Street, Saturday, April 5, from 6 to 8 PM. Please call 830/990-8151 for more information.


Thursday, April 03, 2008

"Wine & Wildflowers Lunch" at Fall Creek Vineyards - 4/5

Celebrate the season of glorious wildflowers with the beautiful "Wine & Wildflowers Lunch" at Fall Creek Vineyards. Cost is $25 per person, inclusive of food and wine. To make your reservation, please call 325/379-5361. Fall Creek Vineyards is located on the northwest shores of Lake Buchanan in Tow, Texas.

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"The Making of The Mouse Trap" - 4/3-20

The Fredericksburg Theater Company presents "The Making of the Mouse Trap". A heartwarming and comic look at what it takes to get to opening night. Performances are Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30PM and Sundays at 2:00PM at the FTC Theatre on Highway 87 South. Please call 888/669-7114 or 830/997-3588 for more information. Tickets are available online.


Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Nature and Wildlife Guided Tours and Walks at LBJ State Park - 4/5

Enjoy and learn more about the great Texas Hill Country outdoors on our nature and wildlife tours and walks at the LBJ State Park, Highway 290 East in Stonewall. Tours last about an hour. Tours are at 10:30AM and 2:00PM, with water and cameras recommended. Tours are free and open to the public and donations are welcome. Please call 830/644-2252 or 830/644-2455 for more information.

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Fredericksburg Dance Club Host the Johnny Schuch Band -4/5

Join the Fredericksburg Dance Club as they host the Johnny Schuch Band at the Turner Hall, 103 W. Travis Street, Saturday, April 5 at 8 pm. Admission is an appreciated $8 per person at the door. Turner Hall has a cash bar and popcorn, however no coolers are allowed. Dancers are welcome to bring in outside food.


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Stonewall Chamber of Commerce Casino Night - 4/5

Join the Stonewall Chamber of Commerce for their Casino Night. Advanced tickets are $25, with admission at the door $30. The cost of the ticket includes $1,000 in chips and one door prize ticket. Please call 830/644-2735 for more information.


19th Century Ladies Conference at Fort Martin Scott - 4/5

Ladies from all over Texas gather at Fort Martin Scott, 1606 E. Main Street, to share their knowledge about re-enacting 19th century living history. Please call 830/997-5386 for more information.


World War II - A Living History Film

Clay McClinton at The Auslander Biergarten and Restaurant

Enjoy live music from Clay McClinton at The Auslander Biergarten and Restaurant (323 East Main Street) April 4 at 8 pm. Please call 830/997-7714 for more information.

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